GSoC Final Code Submission
GSoC Final Code Submission Google Summer of Code 2020 is coming to a close tomorrow. It has been an amazing experience and I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish. It has really opened my eyes to the world of open source and I plan to continue being involved long in the future. This post will serve to document the work I have done since starting Summer of Code in June and as my final submission for Summer of Code. Goal and Status The goal of my work for summer of code was to support a partial reconfiguration like flow in SymbiFlow by defining different architectures for each partial reconfiguration region (also referred to as ROI or partition region). I have successfully supported this use case along with a number of examples and documentation. I believe it is at the point where others can use the work for serious research and build off of it with new features. Currently, a user is able to generate separate FASM for each partition r...