July 24th, 2020 Progress Report
Heterogeneous Synth Tiles
I made a number of final fixes to heterogeneous synth tiles and got it merged. The biggest change was fixing the pin map csv generation to allow the removal of taking synth tiles as an input to ioplace generation. I did this by merging synth_tile_to_pinmap_csv and create_pinmap_csv so pin map csvs can have both synth and real IOs.
Overlay Device Generation Testing
I now have more evidence that overlay generation and heterogeneous synth tiles work. I created a counter test which generates an overlay to feed two clocks into a partition region, one with half the frequency of the other. I created two four bit counters inside the partition region, one controlled by each clock, and connected to LEDs. This test works on hardware, showing that overlays and partition regions line up correctly and that heterogeneous synth tiles work because clocks are fed in on the same tile location.
Overlay Device Generation CMake
Overlay Device Generation CMake
This week I also started working on integrating overlay and partition region into cmake so the fasm can be created separately and then merged before bit stream generation. I refactored adding bit stream targets in devices.cmake into a separate function and am close to being able to add separate bit stream targets that merge together fasm from multiple targets. This work will make testing devices with multiple partition regions easier.
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